I'm still here and you're still there
Not much has change as for my dreams
Still dreaming about fast classic cars
Still dreaming for a life not here
Still dreaming wanting more and more
I geuse that will never change
My life will be all the same
With or with out I'll still be me
I'll still care for you to be
I'll still hope for some good
I'll still want more and more
I'll never have enouth
For my greed are stronger
And thats a batle I could not beat
The batle of my happyness and love
Loosing for years has come
Allway's wanting more when I got it all
Pushing all to the limit and over
Loosing everything everytime
There's no stop in me, not at all
Wanting more, needing more
Never to see that it's all perfect
I got enouth, I don't need more
That me know as day and night
Still I'm not satisfeid with all this
I want more, I need more for now and then
I need more forever, thats just me
Nothings ever enouth, Nothing ever works
I got to stop this, and now
I'm feeling I'm loosing again, just because
Just because of greed, envy and jaliousy
Damm this life, Damm this soul, Damm me...