Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Great Weekend!

Okay my weekend was wonderful and just magnificent. And I wouldn't even talk about the beauty of it all.

Fridays after work I went to pick up my fellow friend up so we can go thru to nelspruit. As I got there I met our personal entertainer for the trip down to nelspruit with his guitar and booze and we where off on flight Grem... The road till there were okay and we cruised down 180km/h average all the way, with a patch here and there that went more like 200km/h but it all went well and now just waiting to see for any tickets.

We got there after thinking we are going wrong way just to realize that me baby should become a 4x4 to enter the place, got in with no damage though. Parked and we First off all been showed where the bar is, and shown where's our room. And we were off, unpacking the car and started to drink and everybody jumped in the pool, well almost everybody. And yet some more drinking, playing some snooker and drinking, smoking and drinking, he he okay think you got the point. Last snooker game finished at about 4 (finally as no one could shoot a ball straight anymore) and of to bed.

Come Saturday about 7 or 8 in the morning and just heard a BANG!!!! Okay we have to get up... No wait back in bed my heads dieing here. Had a great breakfast and off we went. Coolers packed with the refreshers smokes in me pocket and a seat on the 4x4. Went to 4x4 thru the place and as Lani said, we stopped a few times. "What are we looking at? A bird. O again!" Well we saw a long neck creather at that stage and some birds. O yeah and don't forget the Cow but the trip was worth a lot more. Then THE CASTEL. WOW is all I can say, you guys have to see that place, it WOW. The guy took the Castle (Fort) of some kind that where there and are busy fixing it up. Now that was magnificent. then up to a bypass back home with some more bundubashing involved, stopped and all back in the pool can't blame them it was darn hot out there. With some more booze and booze.

Sunday we went for some more 4x4 on a mountain in "badplaas" and saw some.... yeah you know Birds... he he. O yeah before I forget, Saturday we got a single 12 gage shotgun in our hands and shot some fast flying clay pigeons, Now I think that’s the high light of my weekend although I one shot one out of the sky:( ...... back to Sunday, as we stopped at one stage we run into a bug called a "Tor" don’t know what the hell that is in English. Now this you had to see, we played fetch with the thing and I promise if it could have picked up the stones and rocks we thru at him he would have brought it back for us. It chased the the rocks all the way and came humming around us after words, and that when on for about 30mins. Well the day was great but didn't do anything else than riding out the dirt roads. Had some nasty weather and no power for the rest of the night.

Monday morning 2o'clock the road back to my normal boring home.... :(

But the weekend was great and one to remember for always... Thanx Allot...

Blessed be!!


Phlippy said...

Dude.. tickets? At that speed expect cops at your door! I've done the same myself admittedly but don't expect tickets, LoL. Decided to put my Cooper S to the test the other day on the way to Sun City... that was fun

Anonymous said...

Yip .... tronk toe met jou

Donsie said...

Sounds great Grem - I thought there as a Girl involved in the weekend.... Or did I misunderstood???

Nosjunkie said...

There was but his secretive both of them are

Anonymous said...

I think we underestimate they're sneakiness

SaM-GiRL said...


Gremlin said...

HAHAHAHAHA Yeah Donsie I went there with a girl... Secretive... mmmmm.... No comment.

@DW Not again..hehe