Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Cool Leason!!

Hay peeps. I have learned a cool leason yesterday and its worth every second of the pain. I always thought that you will bleed to death if you cut of a body part with out any medical treatment after wards, but I was wrong. I have learned that if you use a grinder to cut that body part off you will not bleed to death... as a grinder burn its way through and dont really cut.

Yeah I learned this the hard way by almost cutting of my finger, it looked so cool. It looks like a hole in your hand, no blood no nothing just a hole as every thing has been burned and sealed.
Okay yes its darn swore as its half way throu the bone but no blood. hehe

And I have found a "stick a stich" its a plaster doing the job of a stich, two three days more and you would never say it was that deep. it has already begin to heal and the skin has attached it self to each other as long there is no strain, other whise it just pull open again, Gosh Have to love these "stick a stitch" I'll never have to go to a docter again... Yippeeee.....

HEHE okay have to cut this short, the weather is treing to kill my pc with all its lightning bolts. Chat soon.

Blessed be!!


SaM-GiRL said...

LOL!! You are such a FREAK!!! =)

Anonymous said...

damn people what is it with all the loos body parts

Drizel said...

Right(in deep voice).....Ok(with wide open eyes)....

Donsie said...

ja nee kyk - no comment

Gremlin said...

O cone on peeps... Where's your sight for some excitment???

Anonymous said...

want some excitement ??

Sny jou tollie af

ExMi said...

interesting lesson.

I've also watched my friend's fingertip grow back. Took about a week. Was the strangest thing. We always tease him - it's like 'dude, hold my beer. watch me cut my finger off.'

I'ts good to be blogging and reading blogs again, have missed it. But trying to get on top of it, and get down all the stuff that's been happening to me over the three weeks i've been awol.

Have a read.
It's mostly there.
Take care,

thethinker said...

That seems like such a painful lesson to learn.

Gremlin said...

hehe yeah it is but so worth it...