Friday, September 15, 2006

The Call

Yesterday night I got this marveliss call. This wonderfull girl pretending to be someone that I slept with a wail ago on a drunk night and now she's pregnant. If it only was the truth, It would have made my day soooooo good. But unforgently I know its not true. But you have done a very good job, almost confincing! There is just one big problem with the whole call. The last time that I was drunk was uhmmm new years! The second one is the last time that I was at a party where I met new ppl were 5months ago, so for your call to say it was two months ago and I was drunk. mmmmmm................ It just couldn't be. But for that two ladys that made the call, Thanx I needed it, There's at least still a few ppl just enjoying every moment of live, Again thanx. O yes and just for the record!! I know its one of two ppl. As its only those two tthat know I'm back on my old number. And I have an Idee it was you...... But thanx.

P.S. Next time you do this to someone, Please just put the phone down before laugthing, other wish the guy would never stress a bit, and think!


SaM-GiRL said...

who would do such a thing??? pfffft!

Gremlin said...

LOL I wonder?????
mmm no wait I got a good idee.

SaM-GiRL said...
