Thursday, September 14, 2006

My Life!

What is it that makes life wonderfull?
What is it that makes life terreble?

Well lets see. What makes it wonderfull? The love from familly and friends, the love from your partner, and reaching your dream in life! Reaching your goals in life well how wonderfull for you!! Every body is not as lucky as you are. But every body is treing. Happyness thats the biggest answer for a wonderfull life.

What makes it terreble? Not reaching your goals, failling with every thing that you do, And the worst knowing that your dream will never be!!!!

Well I think I'm at this stage of life at the moment. Every thing is just not working out. Every yhing is gooing wrong! And to think a month ago my life was Wonderfull.

Why sould these things happen, why are there always all the downs, and so few up's? Yes I geuse thats whats maing Life, Life but in that case do you really wanna be alive?

Okay I know that I'm not sounding good at this moment but what can I say. Every thing that I worked so hard for is bussy to go wrong, why did I do all that hard work for nothing? And then then to make it even worst as a have a big fear that is bussy coming true, Darn why now? And then just for the Cherry on top, my no.1 dream in life would proberly never happen as my life took a weird turn a two years ago, and all hope for that dream was lost. The thing that I wanted the most I will never be able to have ( No its not a girl and its not a car ) but its been my dream for a long long time.

Then you get your wonderfull friends thats all ways there for you, except now, when I really, Really need them. They are there but not how you need them. Tryed talking to my wonderfull friend and all that happend is that I just got more depresed and just feels worst. I mean when your down under, you don't wanna hear how bad you are, and if you done that it would not have happend. Come on I feel bad enouth, dont make it worse you b............., F.......... you! ( Sorry Peeps just have to get it out)

This is the time that your friends should stand with you, not against you. You make it worst. ( O What a Wonderfull song, Such a lonly day of System! Sorry of the toppic but It's Playing now ) So all and all, at should help not this moment my life sucks so please don't think that I'm not here, I'm just not as happy go clappie as normally. To all my friends Love you all, To the special one Still Love You more than every thing. Know that I'm quite the last while but I yeah what can I say.


SaM-GiRL said...

Grems, I know ur having trouble at work and everything, sorry about the friends... Never give up when things arent looking up for you, thats the times that you get tested.. Youre a strong person, dont let something like this get you down.. try putting on some LOUD music and screaming and jumping around like a crazy person.. even if your real friends arent there for you, your msn ones always will b, kk, talkin specifically bout me and boo now. love ya.

Gremlin said...

O Beautiful thanx for every thing, your really special to me and really know how to make my day. I know your here for me but its not always that eassy. But thanx and loves you to...

Well I'm listening to my wonderfull conspirisie music, as you could see in the blog. LOL, O what a lonly day it is!!

Drizel said...

Grem....the dark seems good, believe me I have lived in it most my life...honestly your are doing this to yourself my dear friend. Pain is sometimes soooooo good, makes you feel save even as you feel the torture. You will know when the time is right to let it go.
Kisses an hugs