Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Every body takes pain as something that hurts and as something that’s bad. Well I disagree a bit with that one, pains not always something that hurts or something that’s bad but it can be something that you enjoy and something where you can find peace and comfort, yeah I know it sounds a bit weird and a bit freaky but there’s some truth in it.

Okay let’s first take normal pain, pain of the body. Now most of you have broken a bone or has cut your self and got stitches. Was that pain? Did it hurt you? Well you survived so I’ll take it wasn’t that bad… In my life I have broke my arm that was quite funny as I thought I bend it (don’t even ask), I cracked my neck on some stupid way (no comments please…) and broke the cracked neck in a car accident. And I have cut myself 100’s of times, okay not always stitches and I have found that, yes this pain hurts a bit but actually I’ve learned to enjoy it… Body pain hurts but it sure is fun….

Then you get your pain of your soul…. Now there I can’t get any comfort but yet some ppl do. The pain of your soul is when you lose someone special to you in life or death, when every your heart gets broken into 1000 pieces. Sometimes it’s the smallest little thing that makes it hurts so much…. When ever your heart get crashed, it’s a torture that you just cant take, it hurts so much that your willing to end every thing and just say good bye to the world. The human soul is built to be one of the strongest things that you’ll ever find but yet they get damaged and grow to be soft till it’s too late. It’s this pain that makes ppl to end everything. It’s this pain that no one can stand it’s this pain that no one wants.

Why should life have this pain? Yes this is all just emotions and feelings but emotions are the best thing of life and yet the worst of life. Emotions can build you and it can brake you. Why is mankind so strong but yet so weak?

You can build me in 10sec but you can brake me down in only one!!


Anonymous said...

Hey you used a spel check oh and by the way you sound like you watched Egoli last night.
and as far as your little explaination for suicide goes, I know that people experiance things differently and all that.
But I believe that taking your own life is cowardly. Get over it.
I am 21 years old and in my short life I've lost the two most influencial people in my life, My dad and my Fiance and hey Im stil standing.
If I can make it then these melow dramatic drama queens who know nothing about real hurt must put on there big girl panties and deal with it

Gremlin said...

Whahaha Lee..... Attack mode darn girl... Did I triger something?... yeah I know don't have to answer....

Uhmmmmm Sorry have to say I missed Egoli last night, darn what am I gonna do?? LOL
Spell check yeah I did... thought to make it eassyer for you to read as you complained that it takes you too long to read.

Whahaha well I just thought that this is a nice pic and posted something so that the pic can cbe on my blog. And yeah actually I wanted to go more about the Love for Pain than suicide. hehe Lee your a freak.... mwah.....

Drizel said...

Everybody's pain is bad for them, its because you can only know your own. Yes physical pain is addictive because your body gives off a natural pain killer and that is what is addictive.
I watched Egoli last night was coughing like some tar ridden old bag....and all I have to say to that is boohoo cry me a river.

Gremlin said...

uhmmmm wow did there actualy happened something exciting in Egoli last night? Wel not that I really care but wow I cant believe it...

mmmm drugs.... I love it...

Anonymous said...

I get what your saying really I do Your pain is as bad as you make it and we are all a slave to the might of our perceptions. But I do think that socially we have been programmed to think that to be dark and depressed means your interasting and inspired.
Its cool to be screwed in the head

Drizel said...

hahahahaha, that's so true Lee......if you look at kids today and how they looked when I was in school( OK i'm not ancient) but these days to be depressed is cool....its sad, cause we all need laughter...that's what make our souls soar...I'm also a pain junkie in my own way, that's why I pierce my body deluxe...hihihih....

Gremlin said...

To everybody pain is something else... every one has their own pain addiction...

I know I love my pain... Okay I dont go and hurt my self on purpose except for the day I thought I can take a wall out on my rollerblades, and the time I burnt my self with.... (okay that one had a very good reason and darn it was fun) and when I...

Okay maybe I am a freak!!!!!

Anonymous said...

errrr ...

Last time I was depressed was .... uhmmmmm ..... was ....

ok ... long time ago

point is whenever i'm hurt (mentally of physhically) I get over it as soon as possible.. ask lee, and grem ...

it's so hard to even piss me off