Wednesday, November 01, 2006

UFO Aduption

Crazy or not.... It have happened...

At my first job doing work as an technitian and software support I've spend most of my time with my friend Muffin Man in a car driving around from place to place it happened... after that I was a tech and drove far distances and it happened... after that again a tech and it happened... then my last job before where I am now, again a tech and again working with Muffin Man spending the whole day with him in a car and it happened again.... Darn I'm glad I'm out of the tech jobs for now...

Have you ever been driving around from one point to another where you have just lost time or where you end up somewhere and you dont know how you got there? Well then it have happened to you too. Yes you were a test subject for some other weird creater from oter space...

Well it have happened to me and muffin man alot so don't be scared, we are still alive and bouncing on the floor of the earth... We have got it so many times where you make a trip that you know only take 30mins but yet when you arrive at your destination 2our has passed, or driving to krugersdorp and end up in secunda and cant remember how you got there, well ppl that is all part of the alein reseach.

They come and pick you up while your driving around, do there weird tests and after wards erase your memory so you cant remember any thing... They just some times drop you in the wrong place as they get mixed up with all the ppl they adupt... You might find this fanny but as weird as it is, its true... the weird thing is just that for some reason they really love me and Muffin Man as it happens alot with us... We are there best test subjects.... hehe lucky us...

So be warned... if it happens to you, you know what happened.... We thought we were safe but it happened Yesterday again with Muffin Man.... They are still out ther looking for you...


SaM-GiRL said...

What were you and muffin man smoking when this happened! LOL?

Gremlin said...

HAHA nothing, we were bussy working... I'll try to get Muffin Man to comment on this... Then you all can hear his part of the story too...

Anonymous said...

Raping and touching each other does not count as alien upduction

Gremlin said...


It sure is fun.... LOL
But yeah I guese you will know better...

SaM-GiRL said...

just by the way, its abduction.

Anonymous said...


BLEH !!! lol

Gremlin said...

Bleh Bleh Bleh....

You know what Sammy that was my fisrt guese and it just didn't look right...

SaM-GiRL said...

lol.................those damn aliens mustve messed your poor brain up grems.....

Gremlin said...

HAHA Yeah they did.... no wonder I'm such a freak and so crazy....

Drizel said...

WHahahahahahahahahahahaha........this is the funniest thing I have ever read....Gremmie...ok I will give you benefit of the doubt, but thanks for the laugh.

Gremlin said...

HAHA Drizzy, I really believe there is a posibility for this to be true...

But yeah the idee was to get a few ppl smiling.....

Gremlin said...

You would be scared of all the thoughts thats running thru my small brain..... Wait my small brain sell as its all the aleins left me...

Anonymous said...

I believe poor Grems
they have a name for his rare condition
its called.....
"being lost"
You guys need to understand that our Grem here is a serius conspiricy theorist

Drizel said...

I understand Grem...Its not like I have known him two days.
I am just saying the way he stated it was funny, but enough said...Viva La Grem!!!

Anonymous said...

Pwhahahahahahahaha...the only alien thing that happened to me...was when the space ship delivered me...or was it you grem? And dang....I don't find this fanny...I find it cock. Hahahahahahaha

No, I'm not messing with you. I just laughed my ass off. But never fear when alien glue is near. At's back and able...I see you babe...shakin' that ass.

Thanks for this joke. I believe you made my day.

Gremlin said...

mmmm conspirisy's conspiricy's.....

Well marra its good to know I made some one's day.... LOL

Tash-Baby said...


Tash-Baby said...

Do you guys actually believe in shit like this....??? No way

Gremlin said...

Hay the univers has no limit's...
There's alot Human kind dont know...
And they aleins are more addvanced than us....

Tash-Baby said...

There is no such things as aliens ai tog julle

Gremlin said...

Tash have you ever seen an alein??


Then how do you know they aren't out there???